Otestujte si svoju reputačnú stratégiu

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Americký reputačný inštitút ponúka na svojej stránke niekoľko užitočných zdrojov z oblasti reputačného manažmentu a jedným z nich je určite aj online test reputačnej stratégie.

Jednoduchý online test pozostáva zo 16tich základných otázok súvisiacich s Vašou znalosťou reputácie, jej dôležitosti pre spoločnosť či vzťahu spoločnosti s verejnosťou. Pre krátky prehľad uvádzame všetkých 16 otázok:

  • To start, how well do you think your company knows who its primary stakeholders are?
  • How well do you think your company knows what drives its Reputation across stakeholder groups?
  • To what extent would you say your company has a clear “framework” for measuring Reputation?
  • How well do you think your company knows the effect of Reputation on its financial valuation and other key business metrics (e.g., customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, employee turnover, share-price volatility)?
  • How would you rate your company’s knowledge level of the specific impact of media coverage on its Reputation?
  • How would you rate your company’s knowledge level of the specific impact of direct stakeholder experience on its Reputation?
  • How would you rate your company’s knowledge level of the specific impact of outbound communications (such as advertising, PR) on its Reputation?
  • To what degree do you think Reputation is considered a priority for senior management and the Board of Directors at your company?
  • To what degree would you say potential Reputational impact is a key consideration in business decision-making at your company?
  • How consistently would you say your company assesses its Reputation with key stakeholders?
  • To what degree would you say your company has a structured approach to identifying, evaluating, managing, and reporting issues and events that impact your company’s Reputation?
  • To what degree is the concept of Reputation included in key financial reporting for your company (e.g., your annual report, earnings, etc.)?
  • How well would you say your company aligns employees with the company’s overall mission, vision, and business strategy in order to build Reputation?
  • How well do you think your company leverages Reputation to enhance its competitive positioning against its peers?
  • How cross-functional would you say your company’s approach to Reputation management is?
  • Thinking about the next five years, do you see Reputation becoming more of a business priority, less of a business priority, or do you think it will stay at the same level for your company?

Po zodpovedaní na všetky otázky Vám emailom prídu návrhy na to, ako zlepšit svoju reputáciu a aké kroky je dobré následne prijať. Samozrejme test berte s rezervou, ale ako inšpirácia k ďalším zlepšeniam si myslím že postačuje..

Juraj Sasko
Juraj Sasko
Juraj riadi agentúru VISIBILITY a jej projekty. Je podpredseda Asociácie digitálnych marketingových agentúr ADMA, večný optimista, pedant a peace maker.

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